Reiki Healing Session with Reading

Reiki Healing is a gentle method of holistic energy healing that soothes, balances and realigns your energy and brings healing to your physical pain, stress and emotional burden.  As blocks, negative energy and imbalances are removed, Reiki healing therapy fosters deep healing in all corners of your physical body and in your mental and emotional state.

As this holistic energy healing takes place and as each area is cleansed, balanced and enlivened, our healers/mediums receives specific messages, insight and guidance for you. This information is directly relative to your life, it brings clarity and understanding to your struggles and empowers you forward along your life journey.

As healing takes place and you feel your pain and stress melt away... immense peace, tranquility, relaxation and release occurs. 

Reiki Healing has profound impact on many conditions. You will receive great benefit if you are:

  • in physical pain, stiff or have injury

  • stressed, overwhelmed or carrying emotional burden

  • suffering from illness or disease

  • tired all the time, have no energy or have trouble sleeping

  • struggling with depression, anxiety or fear

  • lonely, sad or empty

The staff of Richer Life Journey are certified Reiki Masters and teachers and have Doctorates in the healing arts. We look forward to sharing the ancient yet ageless power of Reiki Healing with you today!

Each Reiki Healing sessions last for approximately 55 minutes:  $ 85

To book your Reiki Healing session, call Richer Life Journey at  978-852-7456 or email! 

We also offer Reiki training and certification courses in Level I – Level IV for those interested in learning the beautiful healing art of Shamballa Reiki Healing.  The four levels of training reawaken the knowledge that we are energy, uncover the pathways to illuminating the self as an energy-healer, and teach how to use the powerful spiritual Reiki healing symbols.  See course info in the seminars section!